Hello and thank you for visiting my website.
In 2007, I came to the decision to quit smoking after picking up the habit while high school. In the following years, I discovered the joys of hiking with my dog at the time, Sasha. So, armed with a Canon Powershot at the time, I began exploring photography.
Towards the end of 2010, I purchased my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel T1i with an 18-55mm lens. For Christmas of that year, I also received a 55-250mm lens. And with a new camera and lenses, I was introduced to a whole new level of photography. It’s a passion that, to this day, I’m still learning.
Along with social media where I’ve been sharing my work over the years, I decided to create a website to showcase my work and to provide an opportunity for those interested to purchase prints. Most of my photography is nature and landscape photography from the Hudson Valley Region of NY. But, I’ve also had the opportunity to photograph some beautiful locations in the Blue Ridge Mountain Region of NC and TN. And, I hope in the future to expand my horizons.
Nature and landscape photography is just a part time venture for me. Part hobby; part business. My full-time gig is as Principal of J.T.S. Design, Inc., a Hudson Valley web development firm, which I began in January 2003.
Thanks again for checking out my website and I hope you enjoy the photos that I have to offer.